Getting spacers
Well, the coming week will be kind of meh. Today (July 27) I'm getting spacers put in between my teeth. I've been told by a lot of my friends that it's not very pleasant. Then next Wednesday (August 2), I'm getting my braces. I don't know If I will be on both of those days, so don't worry if I'm not on here on August 2.
Playing on Cards Against Humanity (72317)
I'm playing Cards Against Humanity if anyone wants to join. CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:57, July 24, 2017 (UTC)
Playing on Cards Against Humanity (71617)
Hey Guys, anyone wanna join me on Cards Against Humanity?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:51, July 17, 2017 (UTC)
Trackin the Tropics
This the tracking for Lake Lanier and Lake Superior
- 1 Headlines
- 2 Forecast
- 2.1 Hurricane Abraham
- 2.2 Tropical Storm Kelly
- 2.3 Tropical Storm Lloyd
Abraham strengthens Kelly maintains 45 mph winds Lloyd threatens hurricane strength
Abraham has continued to strengthen as it nears Flowery Branch it could peak as a 165 mph cat5 if you are in Flowery Branch and Gainsville evacuate if you stay be prepared
What to excpect
- Possible Cat5 strength
- increase organization
- and possible landfall in Flowery Branch
Kelly has strengthend some near Duluth
What to Expect
- possible hurricane status
- possible major hurricane status
- Possible asboration into Llyod
- Possible Fujiwara interaction with Lloyd
Lloyd is near hurricane strength
What to expect
- Possible Cat5
- Patricia like winds
- Marath…
DHEM Models
This is the Blog for Lake Lanier and Lake Superior
Duluth AOI the Duluth AOI could be a Category 3 hurricane and dissipate over open waters
- Kelly
- Lloyd
TS Abraham could be a Cat5 for Gainsville
and a TS could form near Young Deer Creek
- Beatriz
- Corey
GLH Model Forecasts
This is the blog for storms forecasts from the GLH Model. The Great Lakes Hurricane Model tracks storms in Lake Superior and Lake Lanier.
- 1 Lake Lanier
- 1.1 Other systems in the forecast
- 2 Lake Superior
- 2.1 Other systems in the forecast
- 3 Next names
- 3.1 Lake Lanier
- 3.2 Lake Superior
A tropical storm is being developed around the Cumming area. This storm is not expected to last long, but it is expected to make landfall as a 50-60 mph tropical storm.
Offical Lake Lanier name list
List I:
- Aiden
- Beatriz
- Corey
- Danielle
- Ed
- Felicia
- Gus
- Hermine
- Imelio
- Jasper
- Kalvin
- Leslie
- Mario
- Nadia
- Omar
- Patricia
- Robert
- Susan
- Terry
- Vivian
- Warren
List II
- Allie
- Boris
- Carmen
- Deigo
- Ellie
- Fransico
- Gertie
- Harvey
- Irene
- Jack
- Kimberly
- Logan
- Melissa
- Nelmon
- Olivia
- Paul
- Rose
- Sammy
- Trisha
- Vince
- Willa
List III
- Alexander
- Belle
- Ceaser
- Dolly
- Eric
- Flo
- Gordon
- Hope
- Isaac
- Joan
- Kris
- Lillie
- Mick
- Nellie
- Owen
- Pilar
- Ron
- Shelby
- Timon
- Valerie
- William
List IV
- Alice
- Ben
- Carrie
- Donald
- Elsa
- Fred
- Gisabell
- Hugi
- Ishan
- Jake
- Kate
- Larry
- Moose
- Nicolai
- Odessa
- Percie
- Rapunzel
- Samuel
- Tiffany
- Vule
- Wanda
List V
- Adam
- Bonnie
- Conor
- Daisy
- Edmund
- Fionna
- Gabriel
- Heather
- Isaias
- Josephine
- Kyle
- Lola
- Marco
- Natisha
- Orlando
- Paloma
- Rene
- Stella
- Test
- Varmina
- Walter
List VI (6)
- Amanda
- Bobby
- Christine
- Doug
- Ember
- Falcon
- Gwen
- Herbert
- Isa
- Joaquin
- Kasey
- Lance
- Marie
- Norbert
- O…
Full Lake Superior Naming Lists Announced
All of the naming lists for Lake Superior have been completed. The naming lists will be used every 6 years, much like the Atlantic and Pacific names. The first list has already been used once in 2016 and is scheduled for usage in 2022. List II was used in the 2017 season and is scheduled for usage in 2023. List III will debut in 2018.
- 1 List I
- 2 List II
- 3 List III
- 4 List IV
- 5 List V
- 6 List VI
What's your favorite list? Comment down below.
Cards Against Humanity Sunday - 7917
Anyone wanna play Cards Against Humanity with me?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:48, July 10, 2017 (UTC)
Burned myself.
Well, i was a bit of an idiot will trying to cook and i ended up burning myself a bit.
Really because i accidentally misplaced my oven-mitt.. which i should have been prepared for..
So i tried taking my food out with a towel which burned worse than i was prepared for.
Matter of fact, i was left with a Second Degree Burn.. now im waiting to see if it heals okay or not..
Yeah.. definitely should have made sure i was prepared beforehand.
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 02:06, July 7, 2017 (UTC)
If we are gonna end up playing CAH on Sunday..
Lately, it seems our attempts at playing "Cards Against Humanity" on Sundays havent been as successful as i was hoping..
I'm hoping we will be able to fix that.
Well, It doesnt matter WHICH Sunday, even if it isnt THIS Sunday, but i typically hold my weekly, (or Bi-Weekly, as the case may be), Cards Against Humanity Sundays at 8:45 PM Eastern Time. but if we are gonna wind up playing together again at some point, but i think it would help if you guy let me know, probably the day before, weather or not you would be able to join.
Especially Nkech, who hasnt been in one of my Games in at least a Month..
No matter what, hopefully we'll make the next game work.
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 04:27, July 6, 2017 (UTC)
Happy 4th!
Well, Tuesday will be the 4th of July, obviously. I hope everyone has had a good 4th of July weekend, too. So far, I've already went to my city's fireworks show on Saturday and a small party with my family yesterday. What has everyone else done for the 4th of July or will be doing?
P.S.: I will not be on tomorrow because of a cookout with all of my extended family. I will also not be on today because we are cleaning our house all day.
Late Night Cards Against Humanity
This is later in the day than i usually do it, but anyone up for Cards Against Humanity?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 02:11, July 3, 2017 (UTC)
When you think of a FAILICIA..
You would naturally think of a Storm's Intensity..
A Storm that only sees 40 mph, people call that a Failicia.
A Storm that sees 110 mph, while that is a pretty good hurricane, it still seems to be a Failicia because it is not a Major Hurricane Yet.
And a storm that sees 155 mph also seems to be called a Failicia...
But how would you factor a Storm's Lifetime or Time at a Certain Intensity?
For example, would a Failicia be a TS (Perhaps Bret, for Example, even though it still lives) that only only lasts maybe 12-18 Hours (IE: 2 or 3 Full NHC Advisories)?
WOuld it be a Hurricane *74+ mph) that only sees that intensity for 3 hours (an intermediate advisory, possibly due to landfall) or 6 hours (a full advisory)?
Would it be a storm that DOES manage…
Cards Against Humanity Sunday - 61817
Well, it's Cards Against Humanity Sunday Again, anyone wanna join me?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:43, June 19, 2017 (UTC)
My food truck experience today
So i went a food truck with my brother and Eric had hotdogs i spat mine out to much mustard but there was ligting and thunder some rain at the end we had a good experience
Spooky!, TheLunar2, GloriouslyBlonde, Doug (talk) 22:31, June 15, 2017 (UTC)
I tell you what..
Yeah, lately my plans havent really held up to what i had hoped.. then again, i am reminded that not everything works out in life..
BUT, im sure as you guys are aware, there are (Supposedly) two different areas to watch in the Atlantic: One in the area of the Gulf, and a rarity off of Africa.
And the the coming off of africa is something you dont usually see during June, MID-June no less.
At the moment, i have new plans to at least try to put into effect once at least one of these (Hopefully) form into something.
I can certainly tell you that you will see SOMETHING of an editing spree, one of which will be more updates to my 2063 Season on HHW.
Though, i should ask: on this years atlantic list, what names are you favorites? (Forgive me if i've …
What is wrong with me
Sometimes I like to cover myself in vasoline and pretend I'm a slug while I crack open a cold one with the boys. At the same time, Biggie Cheese walks into my house and yells, "WAD UP BIGGIE CHEESE HERE" and then I yell "Killer Keemstar here...".
I am going to go jump off of a bridge now. Why do I do these things.
Cards Against Humanity Sunday - 61117
It's that time of week again, anyone wanna play with me?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:49, June 12, 2017 (UTC)
Weekly Cards Against Humanity
It's that time of week, anyone wanna play CAH?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 00:52, June 5, 2017 (UTC)
I post this with only bad news to report.
My computer definitely needs some fixing. The motherboard on this thing is nearly fried, and that's not the only issue to speak of. Turns out, my computer charger was too low of voltage for my computer- which was impacting its performance and harmed the motherboard. There was also some internal software that was not updated properly. I should be fortunate my computer is in decent enough shape to even make this post right now.
I'll have to ship the computer to a Center in Texas, where they'll replace the motherboard, fix my incorrectly updated software, and get me a proper charger. Evidently, after they do this, my computer will be "fast" and "run incredibly" for several years. Hopefully this is the o…
are you HYPED!!!!
tomorrow June 1, 2017 offically starts the Atlantic hurricane season we are all gloriously hyped for how active the year will be here is my betting pool bets
- Activity- 16-10-8
- Strongest Storms- Cindy, Katia and Ophelia all 160 mph and their respective pressures
- Retired Names Katia and Ophelia replaced with Krystal and Olympia
Lemme know what you think Spooky!, TheLunar2, GloriouslyBlonde, Doug (talk) 14:13, May 31, 2017 (UTC)
Playing on CAH + Plans
Hey guys, if anyone wants to play some Cards Against Humanity with me, they can:
Plus, ive got plans for the coming week.
Tuesday: I will be coming here to work on a new Project and i will be working on a Project i had previously started on Hypo Events. (Which pertains to a future tuberculosis epidemic).
Thursday: The Start of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Man, Already?
I suppose it might be ironic,but On this day, i plan on updating my live 2063 Season on HHW through out the Day.
Friday: Another day in which i will be updating my Live 2063 Season on HHW.
Sunday: Two things will happen - I will do work on a Random Wiki (Whatever i decide on), and at 8:45 PM, will be my Weekly Cards Agains…
Possible Hiatus
i might take some time off from wikia to adress my self IRL has my cat's kittens are gtting out of hand my parents might just get divorced and ive been all around busy IRL i hope you understand while i may not be an JA+ i still will like to keep my Chat Mod roleSpooky!, TheLunar2, GloriouslyBlonde, Doug (talk) 13:47, May 27, 2017 (UTC)
Hard Times
I am sorry, but I will be inactive on Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday. I will make the meeting though. Why? Several reasons:
- Well, earlier today, my girlfriend dumped me for another guy. That has really set me back on things, especially being here.
- Dentist appointment on Friday.
- My best friend is moving a couple blocks away from my house and I'm helping him move things in.
- I have an honor program tomorrow, and I have to go to a high school graduation on Friday for my cousin.
I hope this is understood correctly and not taken as a joke. Thank you.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I have subluxated my ankle, and now I'm on crutches. If I do not make the admin meeting, I will just meet up with either Ryne or Nkech to hear what we are planning. Thank you for …
Admin meeting refresher
This is a refresher for the upcoming chat meeting at 4:00 p.m. (EST) today. The following people need to report to chat at 3:59 p.m. (EST): Ryne, Nkech, TG. The meeting will consist of policies/improvements for the wiki.
Future Projects - Taking suggestions from You
While i attempt to come up with some good future projects to work on, i wanted to know from you guys on what you think i should work on.
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 23:45, May 18, 2017 (UTC)
Will be back soon..
Hey Guys, i hope you all had a great mother's day yesterday.
I know i've only been showing up during the last couple sundays, my creative inspiration has been burnt out since last month..
But i will make an attempt at returning at some point soon.. i dont know WHEN exactly, given some uncertainties, but i believe soon.
Also, Nkech, just to make sure you dont miss it in advance, if you are available on Sunday Night, i'll be back again for Cards Against Humanity at 8:45 PM.. as i probably will ALMOST every sunday.
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 10:34, May 15, 2017 (UTC)
Retirement (temporarily)
So, I've been inactive the past few weeks This will continue through May and into June. I still have interest in the wiki, and I might edit for a brief period, but I will be retired for the most part. I will probably regain activity in mid-June or July. It's not like anyone noticed I was gone, though...
Why i've been inactive and whats going on
first of all ill explain why i've been inactive i have recently been busy and now for whats going
my mom and grandad took of my dad who has stage for cancer which is IIegal apparently so the might get a divorce which is sad evrytime i browse HHW and be around you guys and my other wiki friends it makes my day
from-TheLunar2 (talk) 21:38, May 7, 2017 (UTC)
Summarizing 2015 to the Present in my life.
Hello Folks-
Before I start with today's topic, I would like to sincerely apologize for not being very active on wikia recently. My Computer's wifi has been having issues for about the past 10 days or so and I do not use wikia on mobile. Obviously, I've still been on skype and discord, so y'all have still seen me, but just letting you know.
Anyway, I've really been into a certain song recently- The Nights by Avicii. Listening to this music has given me some time to ponder things in my life. As a result, I have decided to summarize my life from 2015 to the present.
Let me start with the beginning of 2015- the middle and later halves of my 7th grade year. An incident occurred in which I did nothing to stop, but was clearly wrong. After a meeting …
May 3, 2017 report
LAWRENCE CO. – This is the report of rainfall reports and temperatures for Lawrence County, Indiana on May 3 by hour:
- 5:30 P.M. (EST) - 57°F
- 6:30 P.M. (EST) - 55°F
- 8:30 P.M. (EST) - 55°F
- 5:30 P.M. (EST) - 0 in.
- 6:30 P.M. (EST) - 0 in.
- 8:30 P.M. (EST) - 0.125
Official Storm Spotter!!!
So yesterday, the NWS branch in Indianapolis came down to my county and talked about how to storm spot. I now have a license to storm spot, and I have to renew it on May 1, 2018 to storm spot for the 2018 storm season. I will occasionally, actually weekly, report my rainfall totals, some pictures of storms (if any storms form), and occasionally the weekly highs for that week.
Invest 91L forms in the Atlantic
From the NHC: A non-tropical low pressure system located over the central Atlantic about midway between Bermuda and the Azores Islands is producing an area of gale-force winds to the west of the center. This low is currently producing only limited shower activity, but environmental conditions could favor additional development and this system has some potential to become a subtropical cyclone over the next day or so as it moves generally eastward. The next Special Tropical Weather Outlook will be issued by 2 PM EDT Tuesday. For additional information on this system, please see High Seas Forecasts issued by the National Weather Service.
- Formation chance through 48 hours...low...30 percent
- Formation chance through 5 days...low...30 percent
Happy Wester! XD
You know? The holiday that celebrates the Gun Fights in the Old West?
lol, jk, Happy EASTER everybody, i hope you are having a good day so far today and perhaps with some yummy candies. :)
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 15:36, April 16, 2017 (UTC)
Will be returning later in the Month..
As you would imagine, i was gone again.. remember that point a while back in which life events came up and really screwed things up for me and diverted most of my attention elsewhere?
It happened again.. and it seems like my life has become more unpredictable these days.
But, assuming i get a better break again, i'll probably return to edits within a week..
Again, i wish i could see these things coming or do more about them, but how am i supposed to do either when i dont expect life to suddenly grow as unpredictable as it had?
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 06:39, April 2, 2017 (UTC)
Losing Activity
So, I have been more active this past week than I have in the past. This is because I was on spring break. Today and tommarow are my last days of spring break, but I won't be active because I am going to visit family in Los Angeles. Over next week, I might be active every day after I get out of school, but I definately will be axctive at least 2 days next week.
1000th Edit!!!
This blog post is my 1000th edit!!! I finally reached it after being on here for exactly 1 year and 21 days!
Matthew and Otto retired
So the title says it all. The names Earl and Hermine stayed, despite the major damages they caused. So, this naming list came out with another snub, Earl, which caused 106 fatalities in Mexico.
What naming list has had the most changes?
Hey, everyone! :) It's me, TG, and I have solved a question for everyone: What naming list has had the most changes?
- 1 Results
- 1.1 List I
- 1.2 List II
- 1.3 List III
- 1.4 List IV
- 1.5 List V
- 1.6 List VI
- 2 Conclusion
Amount of changes: 10
- Ana
BobBill- Claudette
DavidDannyElenaErikaElsaFredericFabianFredGloriaGrace- Henri
IsabelIdaJuanJoaquinJulian- Kate
- Larry
- Mindy
- Nicholas
- Odette
- Peter
- Rose
- Sam
- Teresa
- Victor
- Wanda
Amount of changes: 12
AllenAndrewAlex- Bonnie
CharleyColin- Danielle
- Earl
FrancesFionaGeorgesGaston- Hermine
IvanIgorIanJeanneJulia- Karl
- Lisa
MitchMatthewMartin- Nicole
OttoOwen- Paula
- Richard
- Shary
TomasTobias- Virginie
- Walter
Amount of changes: 12
- Arlene
- Bret
- Cindy
DennisDon- Emily
FloydFranklin- Gert
HarveyHaroldIreneIrmaIdalia- Jose
KatrinaKatiaLennyLeeMariaMargotNateNigel- Ophelia
- Philippe
RitaRinaStanSean- Ta…
Retired Names Will Be Announced Tomorrow
Title says it all. Tomorrow, March 26, will be the end day of the 39th Session of the RA IV Hurricane Committee. What names do you think will be retired? Below is a table of my thoughts.
- 1 Storm names
- 1.1 Atlantic
- 1.1.1 Notable mentions
- 1.2 Pacific
- 1.2.1 Notable mentions
- 1.1 Atlantic
- 2 Replacement names
IMO, the names Earl, Matthew, and Otto will get removed. I'll include Earl because it was the deadliest tropical cyclone to hit Central Mexico since Stan and Diana. (Both were retired.) It was also determined the worst hurricane to ever hit the State of Puebla. Obviously I'll include Matthew because HAITI REQUESTED A NAME FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! I'm including Otto because it caused similar, if not over, the amount of damage Alma caused to Costa Rica in 2008. Becau…
This Summer be prepared :P
Hello This Lunar/Doug
Upcomming Seasons
- Hypothetitcal Basins
- Property seasons
- Normal Seasons
- and more
TheLunar2 (talk) 22:59, March 21, 2017 (UTC)
Daily Polls and Events with TG
Hey, everyone! This is TG, your fellow bureaucrat of Hypothetical Events. This week, I'm starting a first Hurricane Idol season.
The names Javier and Ana have been eliminated.
Season Request!!!
Request are now open feel free to tell me your request
- 1 Basins
- 2 Activity
- 3 Names
- 4 Storms
- 5 Other Features
Atl, EPac, WPac, AUS, SWIO, SPac and NIO
You can have an inactive season, a Average Season, Above Average, Active, 2005 Like, Hyper Active
Male/Female/Male Female/Male/Female
(post your names and intesity in the comments)
SSHS Only Avance TD-C6
Timeline, Tracks, Description, Storm Articles (you tell me which ones in the comments)
Timeline, tracks
Tracks. Storm Article
Description, Storm Articles, Timline
Pls Tell me your Request Via my Message Wall and the comments TheLunar2 (talk) 01:46, March 2, 2017 (UTC)
Worst.. Month.. Ever..
Before anyone starts talking about it (My Not being here).. i'm just going to say this now.. i have had.. the worst month i have ever personally experienced..
Not just because of how Personal it is and how extensive the list of Happenings that had happened is.. but im just going to say this.. the last few weeks had been so bad and so painful for me.. i nearly quit my most of my Online stuff..
Plus, in addition to this some other things had happened:
I've been in and out of Depression a bit..
I've moved house.
And, i've also had to replace some electronics after a minor Flood in the last house i had..
Luckily, now, things seem to have calmed down a bit and there's a chance im getting back to work soon..
If somehow i havent by the end of the month …
Dvorak technique database
Hello, this is the Dvorak technique database, where all season ideas are created and posted here.
- 1 T-number intensity equivalents
- 2 Updates
- 2.1 2017
- 2.1.1 February 4, 2017
- 2.1.2 March 31, 2017
- 2.1 2017
- 3 Members
- 4 2005
- ≤1.5 = 25 kt/1014 mbar
- 1.6 = 26 kt/1013 mbar
- 1.7 = 27 kt/1012 mbar
- 1.8 = 28 kt/1011 mbar
- 1.9 = 29 kt/1010 mbar
- 2.0 = 30 kt/1009 mbar
- 2.1 = 31 kt/1008 mbar
- 2.2 = 32 kt/1007 mbar
- 2.3 = 33 kt/1006 mbar
- 2.4 = 34 kt/1005 mbar
- 2.5 = 35 kt/1005 mbar
- 2.6 = 37 kt/1004 mbar
- 2.7 = 39 kt/1003 mbar
- 2.8 = 41 kt/1002 mbar
- 2.9 = 43 kt/1001 mbar
- 3.0 = 45 kt/1000 mbar
- 3.1 = 47 kt/999 mbar
- 3.2 = 49 kt/998 mbar
- 3.3 = 51 kt/997 mbar
- 3.4 = 53 kt/996-995 mbar
- 3.5 = 55 kt/994 mbar
- 3.6 = 57 kt/993 mbar
- 3.7 = 59 kt/991 mbar
- 3.8 = 61 kt/990 mbar
- 3.9 = 63 kt/988 mbar
- 4.0 = 65 kt/987 mbar
- 4.1 = 67 kt/…