Hypothetical Events Wiki

CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 3 February 2017

Things have been really bad for me.

Before anyone asks, yes i seemed to have gone silent for at least a week..

As the title says, things have been really bad for me..

i cant even begin to tell you..

I've had to replace some of my Electronics after an incident happened..

And on top of that, im gonna be moving to a new place within a week...

Really, can i start having better days again? Like, really. CycloneRyne94 (talk) 10:35, February 3, 2017 (UTC)

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 31 January 2017

Dvorak technique series

So, you know how I make all of those pages with the (Dvorak technique) things on them? If you do, you probably know what that is. So far, I have been able to create the seasons of 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. This is a little voting poll of what season I should do next. Please vote on the poll below:

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 22 January 2017

High Risk

Ok ok, I know you've probably heard that today, the first high risk since 2014 was issued for parts of Floridia and Georgia. The last time a high risk was issued in Georgia was 2009, and Florida has never had a high risk, so this vent is very significant. Also, this is the second January high risk and second earliest high risk ever, behind the 1999 January 21-23 Arkansas Tornado Outbreak . 

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 15 January 2017

What i've been doing

Yeah, i know i had gone inactive during the last while.. but for a good reason..

I have been devoting some time in my Newest Project, My Own Hypothetical Hurricane Season animations on youtube. :)

So far, i've animated 2017 to 2021, and 2022 is Expected to be up at around 11 PM tonight.

Right now i cant decide weather i will either take a break from Animating on Sunday or do a lesser active 2023 Season Animation first THEN take a break after.

Either way, im thinking of taking a break from that and doing some more Wiki Work afterwards.

CycloneRyne94 (talk) 01:23, January 15, 2017 (UTC)

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Hurricane Layten Hurricane Layten 12 January 2017

I'm back

I think the title says it all, but im back. I will be moving my pages from HHW to here as well so that i can finish them and pull my edit count back up on here. I apologise for the loss of interest, but i have been too busy with other things to edit here lately

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 1 November 2016

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing and SPOOKtacular day today, a day filled with fun, costumes and candy. :)

Today, or rather, this month whole in general, was something else.. and now, at this point... we have only 2 months left in the year................. Really? Already? (How did this happen?)

Either way, i do wanna update you all on my.. ahem... current Conditions.... Computer wise...

Good News is, i finally ordered a new replacement battery for my computer today. :) And im hoping it'll be in within a week.

Bad News? Well, i hope there is none, unless somehow the replacement battery does nothing to help the problem im having. But here's to hoping, eh? :)

I will, i dont know when exactly, but i might be doing at least so…

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 22 October 2016

Dealing with Computer Issues.

This is basically about the same thing i've put up on HHW...

I dont know what the future of my works are going to be like on this Wiki at the moment because i am currently experiencing some kinda of Computer related issue...


Whatever this issue is, has been affecting the way my Computer's Battery Charges...

(Yes, im on a Laptop)

At the moment: I cant tell if it is the Charger, the Battery or something else.. but the Battery hasnt been charging as Normally as it used to.. whenever i have the charger plugged in, it acts weird.. sometimes it doesnt even see the Charger, sometimes it does but it doesnt charge, and sometimes it DOES Charge but in small increments over time... i say this, because when the indicator comes on, a weird, whinny noise …

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 21 October 2016

Possible Change

Hello, everyone. It's me, TG, an administrator of Hypothetical Events. With our 1,400 page nearing very soon, I've been thinking about some changes to the wiki. Wanting to prevent IPs from coming in and attacking us, I would like to enable the feature of making all contributors log in before editing. This will prevent confusion if anyone forgets to log in and we can't figure out who it is. There are many pros and cons with this, so i just want to make sure what everybody else thinks.


  1. This act will prevent confusion across the wiki.
  2. This act will prevent attacks from anonymous users.
  3. This act will still allow anybody that wants an account to make one.


  1. This act would prevent IP editors that don't want an account from participating in com…
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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 21 September 2016

Story Time!!!

Since I am seemingly bored, finished up all the tracks I wanted to do today, wrote my essay for my Academy, created another blog post on season requests, Checked the NHC, and am somehow still bored and have time left in the day, I'm going to tell a story. It's not any ordinary Story. In fact, it is most likely one you haven't heard before. It's the full story behind my weather interest and how I discovered and joined HHW. (keep reading, please. Floyd, you might want this for your test wiki XD)

My story doesn't go back quite as far as some of yours. I listened to Ryne's story just the other day, and it went back to the early 2000's. Please note, for the most part, I remember the events and not the exact dates. All dates are for the most part…

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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 20 September 2016

Season requests!!!


Since my block end and birthday comes in 9 Days (I've been counting down the days!!!), and I've been making some tracks of my own for future domain. Since my ideas will probably become tapped at least somewhat quickly, I've decided to open myself up to season requests. My 2-season backlog (obviously) will come first, but after that will come the season requests. If you want a season request, please tell me the following information either in a comment to this post, or on my massage wall:

  1. Your Username
  2. Basin (I've got a world map to make basins, so whatever you want)
  3. Year
  4. Naming List (if it is a traditional Atlantic or EPAC list, let me know):
  5. Any specific requests:

Because the two seasons I've been making tracks for are obviously first, Th…

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 20 September 2016

Possibility - Hurricane Matthew (GFS 12z run)

I was looking at the GFS at about noon today and found a huge hurricane at the very end of the model run. This storm first appeared around September 27 as a tropical storm near South America. The storm made landfall as a C1 or C2 in South America, then hit Jamaica and Cuba as a C3 or C4. At the very end, the storm was at least a C4 or C5 when hitting Florida. This is a screenshot of the storm near Florida 384 hours out. (The GFS has dropped it hitting Florida since this post. It is now showing the same storm hitting Haiti as a very powerful hurricane.)

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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 16 September 2016

Could Y'all Help me with a project?

So, I started working on a project to make a accurate accent map of the United States. Since I only seemingly have expierience with my own area and a few other places, I really can't make that good of one on my own. But, I gave it my best shot. Here's what I got:

It isn't that good, but that's is

where YOU come in. YOU obiviously live somewhere different than I do, and thus should know about that area better than I do. I was hoping that You could help me improve this map to make it as accurate as possible.

Thanks in advance y'all!


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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 14 September 2016

Brotherly Advice from a former Bureaucrat

Okay, so I checked HHW today for the first time in a few weeks this afternoon and HOLY QUACAMOLE! I don't know what caused that. Sassmaster calls it quits. Truly, I saw that most of y'all seemed to think HHW was dying, dying, dying...

Okay, I'm going to be honest. I don't think that's the case. But since it seemed to have such a large impact, I'm going to go ahead and give a little advice. I know I may not be the right person, nor understand the full scope, and I'm at least currently an outsider. But, being a bureaucrat that managed to survive:

  • Two Mass Chaos events
  • Several bannings
  • The implementation of HHW's biggest rule
  • Several Aggressive Administrators
  • Dumb Trolls and Idiots to start with

It seems to me that my advice may be some of the best …

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 14 September 2016

Super Typhoon Meranti

So I did my research (I looked on wikipedia) and found this: Super Typhoon Meranti (2016) is tied with Super Typhoon's Joan (1959), Opal (1964), Sally (1964), Kit (1966), and Hayain (2013) for the 5th highest 1-min wind speed globally amd tied with Super Typhoon's Ida (1954), Emma (1962), Amy (1971), Betty (1987), and Flo (1990) for the 15th lowest pressure in a tropical cyclone. Meranti had 1-min winds of 195 and has a pressure of 890 mBar. Just wow. 

STILL NOT AS GOOD AS PATRECCIA *insert evil laughter from EPac here*

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 8 September 2016

Hypothetical Events - Celebrating 2 Years

Well Folks, 2 years ago Today, i had created Hypothetical Events Wiki.

It's Crazy to see how far it had come in the last 2 years.


I remember it like it was Yesterday...

I had obviously celebrated my 1st Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki anniversary not too long before, and i believe i was in the process of trying to help out around THIS wiki and the other Hypothetical Wikis that were around at the time.

And as i was working, i had a thought: What if there was a Wiki that was Designed for more than just Hurricanes?

Of course, there's Hypothetical Disasters, which Technically IS such a Wiki..

But, At the time, i had felt that there should be a Hypothetical Wiki that ISNT just about Disasters, and i also wanted to Eliminate having to go Back and Forth …

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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 2 September 2016

Special Chat Session!

This is sort of my one-year party, but, whatever. 

I will be holding a special chat session, starting late Saturday (around 6PM ish) all the way until Friday Evening, September the 9th at midnight. During this time, I will be on the chat of this wiki as much as possible. I'll do anything, from just general 'ol chat, to answering whatever questions you may have. This will be the Second to last chat session before my block expiry on the 29th. If you have anything you want to talk about, may as well do it. I don't want a lonely party (because that would be extremely sad), so I'd appriciate some attendees.

If you've ever wanted to ask a question, this is your chance. It'll probably go deeper than questions I've answered in the past, so use it wis…

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Nkechinyer Nkechinyer 30 August 2016

It's been a whole year M8!

Today, at nearly 5 pm EST, marks one year (officially) since I joined HHW under the name "CycloneNkechinyer". Let me say, a lot of change has occurred. I remember vaguely, but at least somewhat, what occurred on that day. I joined, and the very first thing I did, of course, was appear on the chat. That's one of the first things I do on a site. I gotta know the community so I know what I'm throwing myself into. When I appearred in chat, one person, by the name of Hurricane News, was present. It was quite a shock to me. I was use to communities with much more active chats.

At first, he seemed nice. He let me be a chatmod (yay!), but I bet that's one of the things Douglas regrets even doing on HHW. But, quickly, things weren't looking so brigh…

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 31 July 2016

Atlantic storms (mid-August)

So, on the last run of the GFS (0600 UTC July 31), four new storms pop up between 144 hours and 384 hours. The first one, which is most likely to become Earl, is expected to form on August 6 and make landfall a day or two later in Mexico. The second storm, a minimal hurricane which is most likely to be Fiona, travels right over the Cape Verde Islands and weakens as it moves out to sea near Puerto Rico. The second storm can be seen over Cape Verde at 300 hours. The third, most likely to be Gaston, forms near Jamaica at the 300-hour run. The probable Hurricane Gaston becomes a major hurricane right as it nears Texas, which could make it Rita 2.0. The major hurricane stage can be seen at 384 hours. The fourth and final storm forms off of the …

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 27 July 2016


i haves an story to say y me no active. i waz in colorado on vacasion. and am now volunteering for idk how long for my churches VBS so me might no be activ.

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 19 July 2016

Inactivity (again)

This month has been a pretty bad month activity wise. I will be inactive again on Thursday, July 21. I will be going to Kings Island with family.

We will leave at 7:00 A.M. and leave at or around 9:00 P.M. If you have any questions to ask me, please do so on Wednesday or Friday.

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 14 July 2016

Hypothetical Events - Mid July Update

So, here we are in Mid-July, and Three new Things have happened Recently.

Firstly, Last night, the wiki had Received it's 10,000th Image, thus joining HHW in having 10,000+ Images

Second, at some point today, we will be seeing our 1,200th Article

Third, Today, we have introduced a new Template: Infobox TV Shows, which will be used to create Hypothetical Events related to a TV Show, you will be able to create the next Big (or small) TV Show. :)

Just more of those things that make this wiki an Awesome one. :) CycloneRyne94 (talk) 08:06, July 14, 2016 (UTC)

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 12 July 2016

Hypothetical Events - Acomplishments we have/will set

In an effort to make Hypothetical Events seem as awesome as i can, new things are being added every day.

From Articles to Images, not quite so much in the Video aspect, but also getting new Templates every so often.

However, one milestone that we will reach either today or tomorrow is the Wiki's 10,000th Image.. this would place it at a little over half the amount of Images that Hypothetical Hurricanes has, plus, with the 1,200th Article expected later this month, this would put it at about 1/3 the amount of Articles that HHW has.

But im pretty sure we can expect that number to go up as well as New Articles are made, and perhaps some new/old articles from other wikis are brought over here as well.


In terms of the Images..

We have completely c…

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 7 July 2016

Bad Illness

So, I have been kind of inactive this week. I have a bad sinus infection, and I've had a fever for 7 days. Everyday, my temperature has been at least 102.5 and it has never reached lower than 100.0. The doctors say I will recover by at least July 14. I would like to be excused of my inactivity.

UPDATE - Good news, I have switched medicines and I have been able to keep my fever down longer than the other medicine did. I will start to fully restore my activity in about two days worth of time.

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 4 July 2016

Good News

Ok, so i havent been active in a while, buuuuttttt, i am ok and will be active hopefully a few times a week, if not every day. So, IM BACK BABY

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 24 June 2016


For notification, I will be inactive for a few days:

  • Friday - Not on from 9:00 A.M. to ~3:00 P.M.
  • Saturday - Not on from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
  • Sunday - Not on from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

I will be back and fully active on Monday morning. 

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 9 June 2016


I might I have to quit against my will. My parents are divorcing, my mom is lesbian, I'm moving again, and I found out my life is a lie.

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 3 June 2016

Looking for Volunteers...

Hello! I am loking for volunteers on my wiki, History of Tornadoes Wiki. It covers all tornadoes of the past and especially newer ones too, but we are very behind on pages as I am the only editor. I'm asking for volunteers if anyone wants to start helping. You can start off by reading my profile page on the wiki.

Thank you,


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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 3 June 2016

All Set for Tornadoes

Well Folks, Hypothetical Events is pretty much all set for Tornadoes, as pretty much ALL of the Images from Hypothetical Tornadoes have been brought over to here..

So if anyone plans on making or continuing a Tornado Outbreak, will now have a Full Supply of Tornado Related things to work with. CycloneRyne94 (talk) 14:24, June 3, 2016 (UTC)

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 3 June 2016

I've heard of a DougSock, and I found one

So people have been saying stuff about a "dougsock". I studied that person's writing, and apparently there is ANOTHER one. LincolnHuff is for sure one.

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 31 May 2016

Inactive Tommorow

Just to notify anybody that wants to contact me on my message wall, I will be inactive tomorrow (June 1) due to an appointment at 10:30 A.M. 

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JanleyManley JanleyManley 27 May 2016

LIVE - Updates of the 2016 Lake Superior hurricane season

Below are updates:

  • 1 May 27, 2016
  • 2 May 28, 2016
  • 3 May 29, 2016
  • 4 June 1, 2016
  • 5 June 2, 2016
  • 6 June 3, 2016
  • 7 June 4, 2016
  • 8 June 6, 2016
  • 9 June 12, 2016
  • 10 June 14, 2016
  • 11 July 4, 2016

  • Claus has became a hurricane as of 0900 CDT.
  • Claus has became a major hurricane as of 1300 CDT.
  • Hurricane warnings have been issued for the cities of Thunder Bay and Amethyst Harbor in Ontario.

  • Claus has slightly made landfall in the Thunder Bay area as of 0700 CDT.
  • Claus has weakened to a Category 2 hurricane as of 0700 CDT.
  • Claus has made landfall on Ontario.

  • Claus has dissipated.

  • Tropical Storm Dawn has formed.
  • A new tropical disturbance has formed near Marquette, Michigan.

  • Dawn becomes a hurricane and makes landfall on the Apostle Islands.

  • Tropical Depression 05 has formed.

  • Tropical D…

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 16 May 2016

Bummed Out + The Start of Volcano Idol S1

Well, somethings recently happened on HHW that left me bummed out.

Due to certain "EVENTS"... no pun really intended... im just gonna work here for a bit till I know one way or another, what's gonna happen...

If anyone cares about it, though, I'm gonna start Volcano Idol Season 1, we're just gonna go with the current entries. CycloneRyne94 (talk) 22:00, May 16, 2016 (UTC)

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 26 April 2016


Sorry but I will probably be inactive again due to a family crisis and I cannot access the compooter :/

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 21 April 2016


So in I've been inactive, but I will try to be more active. Hopefully.

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 14 April 2016

Tornado/Hurricane Idol on Events?

With Hypothetical Events attaining 1,000 Articles.. should we also Do Tornado Idol or Hurricane Idol here on Events?

And Unlike HHW or HTW, I say if we did, just start with Season 1 for each. CycloneRyne94 (talk) 04:54, April 14, 2016 (UTC)

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 28 March 2016


Ok, so a ,ot of people have been adding my articles to categories, and it's kind of annoying me. I understand you want to get  badges, but please don't do it to my pages. I don't mean to hurt anyone, but please stop.

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 20 March 2016

New Feature Coming in a Bit

So, Hypothetical Events has been around for a year now, and in September, it'll be celebrating it's Second Birthday.. BUT, since we've already had it's First Anniversary, and since it's 2016.. I thought we should get new Badges for the year.

Soon, we shall see new Wiki Badges up for Grabs. :)

CycloneRyne94 (talk) 20:30, March 20, 2016 (UTC)

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 17 March 2016

wat happened


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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 17 March 2016


It will be a long time until I'll be able to edit a lot again because any wiki i go on the page gets blocked by stupid ads. Idk how to remove them it I will have to edit 1 thing at a time on my kindle (I'm writing this on my kindle) .

--With all regrets, SDT

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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 10 March 2016


Hello. It's me. Anyways, I'm not going to be active for the next 2-4 days because of stuff that is happening so yea.

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Sassmaster15 Sassmaster15 7 March 2016

My first blog post!


This is my first of many blog posts!  Stay tuned for updates on my articles, prgress, and much, much more!

That's all for now!


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SuperDestructiveTwister SuperDestructiveTwister 4 March 2016


Hey can someone please edit my July 18-19, 2016 Tornado Outbreak page and create just random tornadoes so i can edit themto my likes? I ask of this because i tried to copy and paste others tornadoes and edit them and it failed HORRIBLY... So please?

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CycloneRyne94 CycloneRyne94 9 September 2014

About Hypothetical Events Wiki

So This Wiki, Hypothetical Events Wiki, is a Brand-New Wiki of mine.

This is a Wiki that is Completely Different and Probably better than just one Hypothetical Wiki Alone.

You get the best of many different Hypothetical Worlds.


On this Wiki you DO get:

Hypothetical Hurricane Seasons

Hypothetical Volcanoes/Volcanic Eruptions

Hypothetical Tornadoes

Hypothetical Earthquakes

And Even

Hypothetical Winter Storms -

But this wiki is SO much more than that, not only do you get Hypothetical Disasters such as the ones listed above, you get SO much more.

And the Wiki isn't LIMITED to JUST DISASTERS Either, oh no no no.

You can check out [a list] of what other Hypothetical Events you can make while you're here.


Also, if any of you want to bring over a Hypothetic…

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