Hypothetical Events Wiki

This is actually something I planned for a bit and that is that im going to retire from not just this wiki but Wikia entirely.

Im just getting really busy with my life in general and so I have to retire from Wiki due to this. The other reason is that I would have surgery in few years. I feel like I have served my time on wiki and now its just time to move on really. 

I am perfectly fine though and my parents are ok too(they were kinda close to seprating early Jan 2019).

I was gonna do this blog post on another wiki actually but since the community there is a little bit immature I decided it was best to do it here where the community is more mature and stuff.

My time on HHW and just hypothetical wikis have been truly amazing in general and I loved it. I wont be editing but I would still see wiki once in a while just to remember old memories of my time in wikia.

You guys are awesome. Also want to give a shoutout to these nine great people from my favorite wiki HHW(some of who sadly retired before me)










Anyway I hope to be on other guys in the future where you can find me. I will never forget about my time on wiki as it as changed me forever and has got me some of my best online friends! 

Farewell - Bee.