Hello everyone, today it is officially May 1st and from where we are, that means the Atlantic hurricane season is only a month away.
I dont believe i've made an official prediction for the 2018 season yet.
But that's where i've come up with an idea.
Why dont i let you guys vote on the season's outcome?
I'll let you vote on the EXACT outcome of the season, from the amount of storms that form right down to the Category of each storm.
Whatever gets the most votes goes into the seasonal outcome.
Voting ends at 12:59 AM eastern time on May 2nd, and work would commence during the PM hours of the same day.
So, without further adieu.. the polls are open and you may commence voting.
Decide the seasonal activity[]
Decide the Category of Each Storm[]
Note: When you vote "It doesnt happen" on one storm name in particular, it basically decides what name the season stops on, you can also decide what greek alphabet storms should be used and how strong by posting them in the comments (if you think 2018 will go that far).
Ending Notes[]
As for the Duration/Days the storm is active, the month(s) they are active during (which will also factor into the seasonal duration) will all be decided by myself.
I look forward to seeing what you guys vote on. :)
CycloneRyne94 (talk) 05:37, May 1, 2018 (UTC)