Hello HEW this your world graphic for April 22, 2018
There are 3 invest 0 depressions 0 tropical names 0 hurricanes and 0 major hurricanes worldwide
Whats Active[]

The Worldwide Tropics as of April 22, 2018
92W is a very disorganized storm that has dissipated the chances of formation atm 0/0
a well organized invest located north of Madagascar the system could become a named system before weakening and dissipating in May chances of formation atm 90/90
96S was a well organized system that has encounterd high shear the system could form as it moves in a very uncertain direction as it presists into may models developing atleast a C1 out of it chances of formation atm 60/60
Wrap Up[]
That was the World Graphic, give me suggestions on how to improve on this
2018 Names[]
- Alberto
- Beryl
- Chris
- Debby
- Ernesto
- Florence
- Gordon
- Helene
- Isaac
- Joyce
- Kirk
- Leslie
- Michael
- Nadine
- Oscar
- Patty
- Rafael
- Sara
- Tony
- Valerie
- William
- Aletta
- Bud
- Carlotta
- Daniel
- Emilia
- Fabio
- Gilma
- Hector
- IIeana
- John
- Kristy
- Lane
- Miriam
- Norman
- Olivia
- Paul
- Rose
- Serigo
- Tara
- Vincent
- Willa
- Xavier
- Yolanda
- Zeke
- Bolaven (TS)
- Sanba (TS)
- Jelawat (STY C4)
- Ewininar
- Maliski
- Prapiroon
- Maria
- Son-Tinh
- Ampil
- Wukong
- Jongdari
- Shanshan
- Yagi
- Cempaka (TS)
- Dahlia (TS)
- Hilda (TS)
- Irving (TS)
- Joyce (TS)
- Kelvin (C1)
- Linda (TS)
- Marcus (C5)
- Nora (C2)
- Owen
- Ava (C2)
- Berguitta (C3)
- Cebile (C4)
- Dumazile (C3)
- Eliakim (TS)
- Sagar
- Daye
- Luban
- Titli
- Fehi (TS)
- Gita (C4)
- Hola (C3)
- Iris (TS)
- Josie (TS)
- Keni (C2)
- Walaka
- Akoni
- Ema
- Hone